商学院 副教授

(1) 2008-09 2013-06, 河海大学, 管理科学与工程, 博士

(2) 2004-09 2008-06, 河海大学, 国际经济与贸易, 学士





(1) 微观经济学(混合式课程), 本科生大类平台课, 48学时, 主讲

(2) 宏观经济学(混合式课程), 本科生大类平台课, 48学时, 主讲

(3) 商业银行经营与管理, 本科生专业主干课, 32学时, 主讲

(4) 商业银行经营与管理, 硕士研究生选修课, 32学时, 主讲


[1]Changfeng Shi,Jiaqi Zhi,Xiao Yao,Hong Zhang,Yue Yu,Qingshun Zeng,Luji Li,Yuxi Zhang.How can China achieve the 2030 carbon peak goal—a crossover analysis based on low-carbon economics and deep learning[J].Energy,2023,269:126776(SCI中科院1区TOP)

[2]Changfeng Shi,Chen Wu,Jiaying Zhang,Chenjun Zhang,Qianqian Xiao.Impact of urban and rural food consumption on water demand in China—From the perspective of water footprint[J]. Sustainable Productionand Consumption,2022,34:148-162(SSCI中科院2区)

[3]Changfeng Shi;Yi Zhao,Chenjun Zhang,Qinghua Pang,Qiyong Chen,Ang Li.Research on the driving effect of production electricity consumption changes in the Yangtze River Economic Zone-Based on regional and industrial perspectives[J].Energy,2022,238(SCI中科院1区TOP)

[4]Yue Yu,Changfeng Shi,Jiarui Guo,Qinghua Pang,Menghua Deng,Xiahong Na.To what extent can clean energy development advance the carbon peaking process of China[J]Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023: 137424(SCI中科院1区,二作兼通讯,研究生一作)

[5]Changfeng Shi,Qinghsun Zeng,Jiaqi Zhi,Xiaohong Na,Shufang Cheng.A study on the response of carbon emission rights price to energy price macroeconomy and weather conditions[J].ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023,30(12):33833-33848(SCI)

[6]Chiu. The Dynamic Analysis of the Pollutant Emissions Impact on Human Health in China Industries Based on the Meta-Frontier DEA[J].Healthcare, 2020,8(1)(SCI)

[7]Changfeng Shi,Xinhui Liu,Min Gu,Qinghua Pang,Zhen Shi.Evaluation of the impact of energy utilization and PM on respiratory health in China[J].ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021,32(3): 380-402(SSCI)

[8]Changfeng Shi,Hang Yuan,Qinghua Pang,Yangyang Zhang.Research on the Decoupling of Water Resources Utilization and Agricultural Economic Development in Gansu Province from the Perspective of Water Footprint[J].INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020,17(16)(SSCI)

[9]Changfeng Shi,Xinyun Zeng,Qianwen Yu,Junyuan Shen,Ang Li.Dynamic evaluation and spatiotemporal evolution of China's industrial water use efficiency considering undesirable output[J].ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2021, 28(16): 20839-20853(SSCI)

[10]Changfeng Shi,Luji Li,Yung-Ho Chiu,Qinghua Pang,Xinyun Zeng.Spatial differentiation of agricultural water resource utilization efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt under changing environment[J].JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2022, 346(SCI中科院1区)

[11]Changfeng Shi,Yanying Wang,Chenjun Zhang,Lina Zhang.Spatial-Temporal Differences in Water Footprints of Grain Crops in Northwest China: LMDI Decomposition Analysis[J].Water, 2019,11(12)(SCI)

[12]Changfeng Shi,Xufei Miao,Lina Zhang,Yung-Ho Chiu,Qingshun Zeng,Chenjun Zhang.Spatial patterns of industrial water efficiency and influencing factors —based on dynamic two- stage DDF recycling model and geographically weighted regression model[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 374: 134028-134028(SCI中科院1区)


[14]Changfeng Shi,Yue Yu,Chenjun Zhang,Qiyong Chen.What drives carbon emissions  reduction in Beijing?An empirical study based on SDA and SPD[J].Energy&Environment,2022,0958305X2211341(SSCI)

[15]Changfeng Shi, Luji Li,Yung-Ho Chiu,Yanying Wang,Ang Li.Decoupling analysis of water consumption and economic development of arid and semiarid regions in Northwest China[J].NATURAL RESOURCES FORUM, 2023, 47(2): 192-213(SSCI)

[16]Changfeng Shi,Teng Shang,Jiaqi Zhi,Xiaohong Na.Research on the impact of China's new urbanization on industrial water utilization efficiency - based on spatial spillover effects and threshold characteristics[J].WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2023,87(8):1832-1852(SCI)




(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42271303, 水环境敏感地区再生水配置方法研究, 2023-01-01 2026-12-31, 49万元, 在研,参与

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 41701613, 实体水调度与虚拟水流动耦合视角下的水 态补偿模型研究, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 21万元, 结题, 主持


(1) 河海大学, 中央高校基本科研业务费项目, B210202158, 基于虚拟水流动的特大城市群地区水生态补 偿机制研究, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 6万元, 结题, 主持

(2) 国家社会科学基金委, 国家社会科学基金重大项目, 17ZDA064, 跨境流域确权与分配方法及保障体 研究, 2018-01 至 2021-12, 60万元, 结题, 参与

(3) 河海大学, 中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 2019B23014, 我国区际间虚拟水流动格局时空演化及水生 态补偿研, 2019-01 至 2020-12, 4万元, 结题, 主持










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